Japanese Wagyu makes the world smile

Japanese wagyu: The art of combining aroma, texture and taste

Wagyu, raised one by one same a part of the family

From their birth until shipment, each Wagyu is given a name and is carefully raised same a family. The fine taste of Wagyu comes from the tender, loving care that goes into their breeding.


和牛は生まれると7ヵ月から10ヵ月、子牛の生産農家で育てられ、子牛市場でセリが行われます。その後、肥育農家で700kg前後まで肥育されて出荷されます。 子牛は生まれて間もなく母乳から離乳して人工乳を与えますが、わが子のように1頭1頭手でミルクを飲ませたり、寒いときには手作りのカーフジャケットを着せたりして大切に育てています。


飼料は牧草や稲わらなどの粗飼料と濃厚飼料のほか、稲を丸ごとサイレージにしたWCS(ホールクロップサイレージ)なども給与します。 とくに稲わらの給与は、脂肪交雑や脂肪の色を白くするためにも不可欠です。

Grazing for birth of healthy calves

Breeding cattle and pregnant cattle are put to grazing so that they can deliver healthy calves.

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Secrets to the tasty flavor of Wagyu

The three elements to make delicious beef are texture, flavor and aroma. Among them, Wagyu has so called. Wagyu beef aroma, which is unique to Wagyu. It is a rich, sweet aroma similar to that found in peaches and coconuts, and is a retronasal aroma and flavor that spreads when chewing the meat in your mouth. It is now known to us that this Wagyu beef aroma comes out strongest when meat is heated to 80 degrees Celsius, which matches the temperature best suited for sukiyaki, a typical dish for Wagyu. Once Wagyu beef aroma has been released, it stays within the meat and is released again when chewed, even when cold. That is the reason why Wagyu is delicious even after it gets cold. Wagyu aroma coupled with the mild texture of marbled beef adds Wagyu the highest quality of taste.

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Brand beef that can be exported

Including Kobe beef, all kinds of brand cattle is now available for export.